Our Services

Hiring of domestic helper /
housemaid from source country 申请女佣
We provide quality domestic helper from Indonesia. Our reliable agent will help you in the whole hiring process where you no need to worry about the cumbersome procedures.
Professionally training &
quality maid 培训外劳
You will be able to get domestic helper that are well-trained.
Counselling and retraining services 辅导服务
We provide 24 months counseling and retraining services.
Cancellation of maid/worker permit 取消工人签证
Cancellation of their work permit is needed when the domestic helper is terminated within the work permit validity period, or the work permit expires.
Medical check-up (FOMEMA) 身体检查
Domestic helper completed with medical checkup & fully vaccinated. Domestic helper can work immediately upon hand over to the employer.
Renewal of passport / Visa / Contract
We will help to renew the domestic helper’s work permit.
Booking and purchases air ticket 订机票 &
Airport Transfer 机场接送
We help with the booking of air tickets to all parts of Indonesia for the domestic helper at competitive prices. We also provide domestic helper airport transfer.
Arrangement for insurance scheme
for workers / maids 工人保险
We will assist employers in purchasing the medical insurance.